Erin Sills

Principal at Erin Sills Consulting and Founder at High Impact Lab, Vancouver, BC

Erin Sills is an accomplished leader in Organization Development, with more than 15 years’ experience in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. She has worked with CEOs and Executives, individually, in team groups, and across the entire organization to enhance their performance by aligning leadership, business strategy and culture.

Erin’s experience crosses through the transportation, health care, hospitality, service, technology, project/event management and sport industries. Erin’s clients have said that her approach is professional and thought provoking. She is both “inspiring” and “challenging,” encouraging thoughtful action from those she coaches and supports. She is a dreamer and a disruptor, holding the potential of the leaders and teams she works with to a high standard. Erin has worked with CEOs and Executives from a wide range of organizations, both internally as a senior leader and as an external consultant and coach.

Erin holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Victoria, and a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavioral Science (Coaching and Consulting) from the Leadership Institute of Seattle. Erin is qualified to administer a variety of leadership, communication and psychometric tools, including the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, The EQ In Action Profile and The Leadership Circle 360. She is a certified Prosci Change Management practitioner and certified in the Barrett Values Centre Cultural Transformation Tools.

Erin lives in North Vancouver with her husband and two small children. When she gets free time, she can usually be found in the woods—on foot or on her bike.
