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Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta

Change Strategist & Advisor, and Founder of The Change Leadership

Yvonne is a Change Strategist & Advisor, and Change Leadership Advocate with over 20 years of experience helping executives, professionals and organizations to navigate and transition through change, most especially in today’s disruptive environment.

She is genuinely passionate about change and has worked with a broad range of organizations globally including RBC, TD, Deloitte, Loblaws, and JP Morgan Chase to lead and manage their Strategic, Technology and Regulatory Change Initiatives. Her experience in leading and managing change with these organizations, also coupled with her exposure to global and diverse business environments have equipped her to be proficient in thinking ‘outside the box’ and helping her clients increase return on investments.

She is the founder of The Change Leadership, a series of events and conferences focused on preparing leaders, change professionals and organizations to better respond to change in today’s fast-paced and disruptive business environment. And in so doing, positively impact and benefit their surrounding communities and the economy.

She holds a BSc honours in Business Information Technology & Marketing from London Guildhall University, an MBA from Warwick Business School, England, and a Change Leadership Certificate from Cornell University.

She works closely with executives and professionals to provide coaching and advisory to help them more effectively lead and drive change in their organizations. She is a published author, an Inspirational speaker and change catalyst.

More information about Yvonne, visit: |