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New York Chapter

Your place to connect, upskill and achieve your goals. What are you waiting for?

Upcoming Events

New to WNORTH? Here's how to join our Chapter City Events.​



Our exclusive events are open for WNORTH Members Only. Join the Members’ Club at WNORTH to access all WNORTH events while enjoying your 2-months free trial!


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Inside of our Membership Platform, you can access a full events calendar of all upcoming WNORTH events. Find the ones you like and RSVP! Link below is accessible only once you’ve registered.

The Members Club at WNORTH Logo

Join the Members' Club at WNORTH to access our Chapter City Events

For a LIMITED TIME, this Membership comes with 2 month trial, giving you enough time to experience our virtual & in-person events.

The Members' Club: Benefits

Enjoy access to all Chapter City events. Free entry to Member Meetups.

Find your new community through our Mastermind Program, a leadership mastermind group of 6 women facilitated by a vetted leadership coach.

Gain access to our private Membership Directory, where connections are made, nurtured, and celebrated


Tap into the WNORTH Membership Portal that includes workshops, masterclasses, and fireside chats with inspiring thought leaders – available live or on-demand

New York Chapter

Our New York Chapter gathers successful businesswomen and entrepreneurs to build connections, grow their network, and benefit from the magic that happens when you’re in a room full of people who want to see you succeed. 

We gather monthly in Luminary, and come together for exciting events, including Connect Dinners, Connect Over Cocktails, and more!

If you’re looking for a place to be inspired, motivated, understood, and feel like you belong, then come and join us. You can always sit with us.

The Members' Club

The Members’ Club at WNORTH is a women’s network for executives, executives-to-be, and accomplished women in leadership to enhance their leadership skills, build influence and bring others with them.

Our Membership gives you instant access to a close community of professional women and peers who understand your challenges and needs and want to see you succeed.  

Member meetup venue


Luminary is a first-of-its-kind global professional growth platform and collaboration hub created for women, women-identified, and our male allies to address the systemic challenges impacting women across all industries and sectors.

It’s also a home to our monthly Member Meetups. Come and visit as at the heart of Manhattan to get a dose of motivation.

1204 Broadway, New York, NY 10001, United States


Carmen Bryant

An international speaker and strategic marketing leader, Carmen Bryant motivates action by translating insights and cultural shifts into compelling stories. She is a marketing, insights and thought leadership expert with more than 20 years of experience.

Since joining Indeed in 2016, she has spoken on recruiting insights and best practices globally, having presented in boardrooms and conference venues worldwide, and been featured as a speaker by organizations like SHRM, SHRM India, and the Human Capital Institute.