Amy Stanton
Author of The Feminine Revolution
Amy founded Stanton & Company (S&Co) with a passion for promoting and building positive female role models and messaging for women. Since 2006, when the company opened its doors, S&Co has built a roster of philosophy-driven brands including exceptional athletes, lifestyle experts and brands in the healthy, active living space. S&Co is focused on building platforms, events, content and programs to create real impact and results, for and around women.
Before founding Stanton & Company, Amy served as the first-ever Chief Marketing Officer for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. While at MSLO, Amy focused on creating a unifying brand and marketing strategy, and as part of that process initiated the development of key marketing vehicles for the company, including a new brand identity and advertising campaign.
Prior to that, Amy was the Director of Marketing & Communications for NYC2012, New York’s Olympic bid, where she developed and executed both the local and international campaigns for this first-ever endeavor. Working with companies in every industry throughout the city, Amy mobilized New York’s creative community and some of the city’s most valuable resources, icons, and VIPs behind the Olympic effort. Before NYC2012, Amy worked in account management at advertising agencies including BBDO, JWT and BBH on blue-chip brands including Kodak, Pizza Hut, Lipton, and Axe.
With an entrepreneurial upbringing, Amy always planned to start her own business and, inspired by her work with athletes during the Olympic bid, recognized an important and underleveraged opportunity to help promote and build the area of women’s sports. As the company has grown, Amy’s traditional marketing background and personal passion for health and wellness have influenced the expansion of the business. While Amy’s tennis career never made it past captain of her high school team, she has completed the Boston to New York AIDS Ride twice, dabbled in triathlons, and has completed five marathons.