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Sao Paulo Connect Dinner at Restaurante Cantaloup

November 12, 2019 | 19:30-23:00

WNORTH is a global community of women who are aiming for, or already on, a senior executive leadership track. WNORTH connects top female business leaders in corporate, public and entrepreneurial sectors through an annual Conference, an online community, The Members’ Club, as well as events and programming in six chapter cities; Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, San Francisco, New York and London.

WNORTH’s mission is to develop more women to leading positions in business, and in doing so we will elevate the teams they work in, the families they lead and the communities in which they live.

The WNORTH Connect Dinners provide the opportunity to network in an intimate dinner setting. There are a limited number of spots to these dinners, so sign up early!  An RSVP reserves your seat and it confirms your commitment to attend. Members will RSVP for free, however you will be responsible for the cost of your dinner and drinks and all guests will settle their individual bill directly with the host venue at the completion of the dinner. If you have RSVP’d and are unable to attend, you will be responsible for a $75 fee if we are unable to fill your spot. 

This evening’s theme is “Thriving Teams and a Healthy Bottom-Line: How a Woman’s Perspective is Good for Business”. At this connect Dinner, we will hear from Ana Paula Assis, General Manager for IBM Latin America, and Maria Rita Spina Bueno, Executive Director of Anjos do Brasil and Founder of MIA – Women Angel Investors.

Thriving Teams and a Healthy Bottom-Line: How a Woman's Perspective is Good for Business

Restaurante Cantaloup
04536-070 - Itaim Bibi - Sao Paulo - S.P.
November 12, 2019 | 19:30 - 23:00
R$170 per person

City Host

[kswr_modernimage mdim_link=”|title:Regina%20Noppe|target:%20_blank|” mdim_titlecolor=”#ffffff” mdim_titlepadding=”6″ mdim_subtitlecolor=”#cccccc” mdim_overlaycolor=”rgba(0,0,0,0.7)” mdim_colorscheme=”#ffffff” mdim_boxshadow=”disabled” mdim_image=”4719″ mdim_title=”Regina Noppe” mdim_titlefont=”font-size:20px;” mdim_titlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:700;” mdim_subtitle=”Co-Founder & CEO Dream2B” mdim_subtitlefont=”font-size:14px;” mdim_subtitlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:400;”]

Guest of Honour

[kswr_modernimage mdim_link=”|title:Elise%20Racicot|target:%20_blank|” mdim_titlecolor=”#ffffff” mdim_titlepadding=”6″ mdim_subtitlecolor=”#cccccc” mdim_overlaycolor=”rgba(0,0,0,0.7)” mdim_colorscheme=”#ffffff” mdim_boxshadow=”disabled” mdim_image=”5040″ mdim_title=”Elise Racicot” mdim_titlefont=”font-size:20px;” mdim_titlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:700;” mdim_subtitle=”Consul & Sr Trade Commissioner-Brazil” mdim_subtitlefont=”font-size:14px;” mdim_subtitlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:400;”]


[kswr_modernimage mdim_imagesize=”kaswara-modernimage-masonrytall” mdim_link=”|title:Ana%20Paula%20Assis|target:%20_blank|” mdim_titlecolor=”#ffffff” mdim_titlepadding=”6″ mdim_subtitlecolor=”#cccccc” mdim_overlaycolor=”rgba(0,0,0,0.7)” mdim_colorscheme=”#ffffff” mdim_boxshadow=”disabled” mdim_image=”5026″ mdim_title=”Ana Paula Assis” mdim_titlefont=”font-size:20px;” mdim_titlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:700;” mdim_subtitle=”General Manager, IBM Latin America” mdim_subtitlefont=”font-size:14px;” mdim_subtitlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:400;”]
[kswr_modernimage mdim_imagesize=”kaswara-modernimage-masonrytall” mdim_link=”|title:Maria%20Rita%20Spinta%20Bueno|target:%20_blank|” mdim_titlecolor=”#ffffff” mdim_titlepadding=”6″ mdim_subtitlecolor=”#cccccc” mdim_overlaycolor=”rgba(0,0,0,0.7)” mdim_colorscheme=”#ffffff” mdim_boxshadow=”disabled” mdim_image=”5027″ mdim_title=”Maria Rita Spina Bueno” mdim_titlefont=”font-size:20px;” mdim_titlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:700;” mdim_subtitlefont=”font-size:14px;” mdim_subtitlefontstyle=”font-family:Inherit;font-weight:400;” mdim_subtitle=”Executive Director, Anjos do Brasil and Founder of MIA”]

Event Registration

This event is invite only.

Please request an invite below: