Seattle Connect Dinner

2120 Restaurant

October 11, 2018 | 6:00pm

WNORTH is a global community of women who are aiming for, or already on, a senior executive leadership track. WNORTH connects top female business leaders in corporate, public and entrepreneurial sectors through an annual Conference, an online community, The Members’ Club, as well as events and programming in six chapter cities; Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, San Francisco, New York and London.

WNORTH’s mission is to develop more women to leading positions in business, and in doing so we will elevate the teams they work in, the families they lead and the communities in which they live.

On Thursday October 11, WNORTH will host one of our signature events, the Connect Dinner, at 2120 Restaurant (next to the Amazon Spheres). The dinner theme is “Recognizing and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome” with our Guest Speaker Allison Kinnear, former Google HR Leader and current Leadership Coach at Voice of Her Own. Only 24 seats are available to this dinner, tickets go on sale for members of The Members’ Club at WNORTH on Tuesday September 4 and to the general public Monday September 11.

Theme: Recognizing and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Thursday October 11
Location: 2120 Restaurant, 2120 6th Ave,
Seattle, WA 98121, USA

Guest Speaker

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What do perfectionism, not delegating and being a workaholic have in common? All are symptoms of Impostor Syndrome, a pattern of thinking that is ruled by the fear of being exposed as a fraud.  

In this interactive dinner discussion, you will discover: 

How to recognize Imposter Syndrome

3 ways to overcome feeling like a fraud

Skills for becoming more confident at work

Join us for this powerful experience and learn how to conquer your inner impostor.  

Event Agenda

5:30pm – Opportunity to Tour the Amazon Spheres (separate sign up required. Attendees will be contacted directly, limited space)
6pm – Networking Reception at 2120 Restaurant
6:45pm – Dinner & Speaker
9:00pm – Evening Concludes

Event Registration

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