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Mark Gasparotto

Military Veteran & Leadership Advisor

A leader by any definition, Mark’s outside-the-box tactics have delivered results in combat, business, and bureaucracy. Now he’s ready to help your organization excel, whatever your field, whomever your team, wherever your battle.

Mark is the President of The Gasparotto Group, a boutique consultancy that provides clients with practical and evidence-based leadership solutions.

Mark leverages his strategic and tactical leadership approach to help private and public sector organizations increase their members’ leadership and resilience, strengthen their teams, enhance their organizational culture, and expand their influence. An accomplished speaker, Mark combines rich personal experience with applicable theories and current trends to deliver practical, achievable outcomes, whatever the leadership challenge.

During his highly decorated two decades of military service, Mark served in key leadership roles in international hotspots such as Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Haiti. From commanding small tactical units, to overseeing large, multinational peacekeeping operations, his emphasis on results, teamwork, and effective communications elevated him to the upper-ranks of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Passionate about self-reflection and personal development, Mark’s brand of cerebral enthusiasm and entrepreneurial approach has proven contagious and effective inside and outside his military profession. Concurrent to his military career, Mark earned a Masters of

Defence Studies, a Masters of Arts in Leadership, and is a published co-author of Clearing the Way: Combat Engineers in Kandahar—now an award-winning documentary film. He enjoys pushing his personal limits in military ironman competitions and wilderness expeditions. That, and parenting two teenage daughters—his greatest leadership challenge. He was thrice decorated in uniform: once with the Meritorious Service Medal for his actions under fire during Operation Medusa in 200; and more recently he received a Brazilian Army Medal and a second Meritorious Service Medal for his senior leadership role in the United Nations multinational peacekeeping force in Haiti. Mark lives in Ottawa with his wife Shannon and daughters Abigail and Emily.