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The Vancouver Club
915 W Hastings St Vancouver, BC V6C 1C6


Feb 08 2024


5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

February Vancouver Roundtable: Strategic Impact: Using LinkedIn to Build Partnerships, Referrals, and Relationships with Janice Porter

👉 Where: The Vancouver Club
👉 When: February 8th, 5 – 6:30 pm PST (Thursday). Doors open at 4:30
👉 Capacity: 50 seats
👉 Facilitator: Janice Porter, Relationship Marketing Specialist, Podcast Host and LinkedIn Trainer

NEW! We’re scaling our Roundtable experience, opening doors to 50 guests! 

In this highly engaging session, Janice will unravel the secrets to leveraging LinkedIn for strategic impact.  Whether you’re a business owner seeking powerful partnerships, a professional looking for quality referrals, or someone keen on building lasting relationships, this event is tailored just for you. Janice will share valuable insights garnered from her years of experience in relationship marketing. You will walk away with ideas for enhancing your LinkedIn presence and some strategies to implement to make an impact. There will be an opportunity for Q&A, so bring your questions about LinkedIn!


  • Strategic LinkedIn Utilization
  • Targeted Networking for Business Owners
  • Quality Referral Techniques
  • Learn the art of cultivating lasting relationships on LinkedIn
  • Insider Insights from Relationship Marketing
  • Acquire actionable ideas to enhance your LinkedIn presence

Don’t miss the chance to walk away with a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to elevate your LinkedIn experience and overall professional impact.

About Janice Porter, Roundtable Facilitator

Relationship Marketing Specialist, Podcast Host, and LinkedIn Trainer

For Janice, it’s all about Relationships! She has an innate curiosity, which she has leveraged into building business relationships and teaches others how to do the same. Her passion is working with people who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking – and she does that using online and offline strategies. 

LinkedIn training is a huge part of Janice’s business. She believes all business professionals need to have a magnetic LinkedIn profile and that LinkedIn is THE platform for attracting new clients, strategic partners, and referrals. Staying connected and nurturing relationships comes next – and Janice shows clients how to implement a “tangible touch” follow-up system to do just that. 

Janice really values the friendships and business relationships she makes, and when she meets someone new, she is always thinking: “How may I support you?” 

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